Sunday, August 26, 2007

Orders received!

Well, the Army was actually early with its paperwork for a change. (Could this be a sign of the end times)? We did receive official orders to report to Ft. Campbell (thank goodness, since we just bought a house there) on 17 September. Tomorrow I will contact the division Chaplain to discusss with him the my pinpoint assignment (i.e. which exact battalion I will be assigned to). Again, that assignment will determine whether I instantly deploy in September or not. Of course, I do not want to be deployed away from my family, especially when we just move into the area. But we understand that this is part of the unique ministry that is the chaplaincy. If the troops go, we go. May God be preparing me, our family and my battalion if I am ordered to deploy.

Continue to pray for our transition from Florida to Clarksville, TN. We are still working through all the paperwork, emails and faxes to get the closing date as soon as possible. Hopefully we can get moved in soon as the schools there have already begun.

- Jonathan

1 comment:

Sara said...

What kind of time frame are you looking at? There is a possibility that I may be in Clarksville next Saturday. Let me know if I can help out somehow.