Saturday, December 8, 2007

Really need to work on posting more often

Ok, I realize it has been well over a month. And I was supposed to keep this site updated more often. My bad. Sometimes life happens so fast that it is hard to document. But here goes an attempt to bring everyone up to speed.

The month of November was a good one for our family. Our training schedule slowed down and we even had a couple of 4 day weekends (always greatly appreciated). My sister and her youngest son came up to visit us and we had a great time. Suzi's family all came at Thanksgiving and it was so nice having everyone around. Being around so much family was a welcome change from the month of October when I was down at Ft. Polk for a month. The month of November ended with a Squadron Hail and Farewell, where Suzi and I were officially welcomed into the unit. It was good to be with other soldiers and staff members in more of a laid back, off duty setting. I have really enjoyed getting to know the people that I work with and serving the soldiers of 1-61 CAV.

December has started off a little shaky. Our Squadron had a soldier commit suicide early morning on the 3rd. This was a soldier that I had spent many hours talking to about his life and his family. In fact, he and his wife were the first counseling session I had when I signed into the unit. He was a good, hard working soldier and I, and the rest of 1-61, will miss him a lot. As a result of the suicide, I have spent the last week counseling soldiers, conducting critical incident stress debriefings with those close to him, and trying to arrange for a memorial ceremony on post. The date and time for the ceremony has changed 6 times due to conflicts with the Division command elements. It is tough on soldiers (and me) to have the date and time keep changing like it has. But we drive on anyway. Right now, it is scheduled for Wednesday morning, the 12th, at 1030. Pray that it takes place and pray for the soldiers who attend.

I am trying to also schedule a financial training seminar in January and a marriage retreat in early February. I would also like to host a prayer breakfast prior to our deployment, but time is running out and our unit's training calendar is filling up fast.

Suzi and the kids are doing well. We just finished our Christmas decorating. This is the first Christmas that we have owned a house so we made sure to decorate inside and out. I spent the morning out in the cold rain on a slippery sloped roof hanging icicle lights. Suzi has made the inside of the house look beautiful with decorations in each room. Suzi's mom, dad and stepmom will be coming up for Christmas. It is great that we will be able to spend time with them over the holidays. My sister is planning on coming up at the first of the year, as well. We will be hanging out in Clarksville over the holidays, though I do plan on visiting St. Louis the second week of January.

I am scheduled to go to Ft. Polk again for a week in January. Everyone feel encouraged to come visit with us. We have plenty of room for you!

Here are some things you can pray for:
The soldiers of 1-61 CAV, that they would be open to the "gospel in combat boots" as Joe Novenson put it at my ordination service. Pray for those who know the Lord that their faith would be strengthened for our long deployment.

Pray for Suzi and the kids as they continue to transition to the life of an Active Duty family. I have had to put in some long hours recently which has left Suzi to be a single parent. It is a hard task but she has fulfilled the role wonderfully. Pray for Asher and Kinsey that they would be positive leaders in their school and pray for Nouwen and Ransom that they would be helpers as they stay home with Suzi during the days.

Pray for me and my spiritual endurance. Satan loves to attack folks in positions like ours. Pray that our strength would be the Lord's and not our own. Thank you to everyone who is praying for us and our nation's heroes.