Thursday, August 23, 2007

Orders next week?

Well, we have been told that sometime next week, we should receive the official appointment orders and assignment orders for Ft. Campbell. We are excited because this will let us know precisely which brigade and which battalion I will be assigned to. However, there are 3 brigades scheduled to deploy in September. It is possible that I will be assigned to one of those brigades. That is certainly not how we wanted to put down roots in Clarksville; unpacking our things only to have me pack up and meet up with my batallion in the desert. Please pray that God will put me in just the right battalion where His will will be accomplished.

We are now doing all the paperwork for buying our house. All the forms are intimidating but we are slowly figuring it all out. We are excited about the move, which should happen within the next 2 weeks. After we close on the house, we will have to make a trip up to St. Louis to get all our belongings out of storage. Hopefully, we can visit with some of our friends while we are there.

I'll post more when we know more.


Sara said...


I like that better than Texas. You will only be three hours away. I have another good friend in Clarksville and Amy's inlaws live there too. We make a trip that way every once in a while.

I'm glad to hear your house sold and can't believe you have a new one already!

Tell Suzi to email me:

I'm glad to have come across this blog! I'll be praying for a smooth transition.

Jonathan said...

Hey Sara, We are glad to be only 3 hours away from so many friends and loved ones. I will get Suzi to email you soon.