Monday, October 1, 2007

a lovely Saturday morning

I awoke on Saturday to see two deer walking through my backyard. Suzi was able to get a few good pictures and the kids were quiet enough not to scare them off. Earlier in the week, we found a gopher in the backyard. Ahh the beauty of having your property back up to woods.

This has been a busy week for me work wise. I have attended a number of meetings, briefings and functions with the Cav unit. (Even getting to wear my Stetson once or twice). We attended our first Family Readiness Group meeting on Friday night, which is designed to help families when loved ones are deployed. On Saturday night, we went to a neighborhood party down the road. We are enjoying getting to know our neighbors and their children. On Sunday we attended services on post at Memorial Chapel and in the evening went to a small group from Christ Presbyterian Church where we have been attending. Being a Chaplain, I am expected to attended services on post. But we would still like to maintain and develop the relationships we have built with the local congregation.

I have Monday off and am trying to use it to run errands and accomplish tasks prior to leaving on Wednesday morning for 22 days to Ft. Polk. Definitely pray for Suzi and the kids while I am gone. Ransom is scheduled to go back to the doctor tomorrow and I expect they will take his cast off his leg.

While I am out of town, a few friends are scheduled to come visit us. We welcome the Silvas and the Algaiers over the next few weekends! Anybody else who wants to come visit, don't hesitate. We would love to see you!

Jonathan and Suzi

1 comment:

icajay said...

we would love to there weekends that are better than others?!? i sent you all a link to my blog...i try to keep it updated but i often forget :) love you all!