Thursday, September 6, 2007

Pinpoint assignment figured out

Well, I found out today that I will be serving in the 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1-61 Cavalry. Hooah! I meet with the Brigade Chaplain tomorrow morning to be introduced to folks and get an early lay of the land. While I am not being deployed to Iraq in the immediate future, I did find out that I will be gone for most of the month of October on a training mission with the Brigade. As the Chaplain said, "this will be somewhat of a baptism by fire for you." Nothing like getting your feet wet, right? Well, despite having to leave the family in a few weeks, we are very excited to now know who exactly I will be working with and how best to pray for them.

We are scheduled to close on our house tomorrow afternoon at 1:00. Unfortunately, the transportation office has told us that the soonest our personal belongings could be packed up from our storage facility in St. Louis is th 12th of September. So it will probably be over a week before we have furniture and pots and pans, etc. So we will have to make it a sloooow transition from army lodging into our new home. Actually, we are still just excited to have something to move into! Again, anybody travelling our way be sure to stop in for a visit.

Will keep everyone posted on news as it happens.

- Jonathan and the family


Unknown said...

Just a note to let you know that I'm reading all of your posts. I wish that I lived closer to you so that I could come for a visit sometime later on. I know this is a busy time for you right now getting settled in your new house and starting out in your new career. Danice and I both will be praying for you and your family.

U. Billy

Jonathan said...

Thanks Uncle Billy, I am better (so far) at keeping this up to date than at emailing people. We don't have internet at our house yet so there may be some delays for awhile.

- Jonathan

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